

New leaves, stronger roots

When buying a home, a good thumb rule to follow is to visualize yourself living in it for the next ten years. If you have kids or are planning to, you need to plan for how your home can cater to the needs of an infant, a rambunctious toddler or a moody teenager. Here are things you need to consider to make your next investment a kid-friendly one!

Outdoor space

Playtime outdoors is essential to the healthy development of your child. If your future home comes with a yard for supervised playtime, it is a big win! In the event the place you are looking at does not have a designated space of its own, a cul-de-sac does the trick as your kids can play safely on the street!


When you have kids, safety is paramount! Most gated communities come with 24/7 CCTV monitoring and security guards stationed at the entrance to ensure the safety of their residents. Check to see if common amenities like the pool or gym are fenced off to ensure accident-free fun!


Before buying a new home, meet a few neighbors to get a sense of the community. While people of all ages are great, having young couples around go a long way in creating a kid-friendly environment. Think long term – you have company for community activities and play dates!


Check the proximity of schools to your potential home. Researching on the availability of nannies or daycare centers in the neighborhood will also hold you in good stead. Additionally, having a store or pharmacy within walking distance can save you a lot of time and stress, so keep that in mind before signing on the dotted line.

Storage space

From strollers to sports equipment, kids of all ages come with different gear, so you will need a home with a lot of space! If you are unable to find a place with a large laundry room or a mudroom, a large closet in the foyer works just as well! Here are a few ideas to help maximize your storage!

At Appaswamy, we continually strive to build your dream home for you and your family! Check out our upcoming project in Semmenchery to know more.

13 Dec 2021


  • Apartments
    2, 2.5, 3, 4
  • Starting from
    1.63 Cr - 4.55 Cr Onwards*
  • Project Status
  • Rera No
    EC/South-I/011/2025 Dated: 08.01.2025
  • Apartments
    3, 4
  • Starting from
    3.27 Cr - 4.51 Cr Onwards*
  • Project Status
  • Rera No
    EC/South-II/044/2025 Dated: 04.02.2025
  • Apartments
    3, 4
  • Starting from
    4.83 Cr - 7.26 Cr Onwards*
  • Project Status
  • Rera No
    TN/29/Building/0527/2024 Dated: 14.11.2024
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